Training Staff - Israel


Erez Sharabi

Erez Sharabi

Dan 6 Black Belt; Head instructor and founder of TKM- Traditional Krav Maga

Training in Krav Maga since 1987 and was a senior student of Eli Avikzar Z”L. Wingate Certified Krav Maga instructor since 1992Wingate certified trainer (Meamen) with vast experience in the instruction of krav mage in various platforms. Dozens of black belt were certified under is training and supervision. Among his students are both civilian and military krav maga instructors.Erez is an attorney at law, graduate of Tel Aviv Law University and a senior partner in the law firm “Sharabi, Naorim and Sandler”.

Ron Rotem

Ron Rotem

Dan 4 Black Belt, TKM Israel Instructor & Meamen

Served as the head of the Krav Maga department in the Israeli Defense Forces. Was the head instructor for self-defense in the statewide Israeli Correctional System. During his regular service in the IDF Ron served as a shooting instructor for a high ranking unit in the IDF named “Egoz”. Training in Krav Mage since 1996. Wingate Certified Krav Maga Instructor since 1999. Wingate certified martial arts trainer since 2009. Part of the instructor team at TKM Even Yehuda. 


Eliran Cohen

Eliran Cohen

Dan 2 Black Belt, Founder and Head Instructor at TKM New York

Training under Eli Avikzar Z”L since 1998. Certified Wingate instructor since 1992. Served as a Krav Maga instructor in the various sections within the Israeli Navy. Has vast experience in the instruction of Krav Maga in different platforms.

Eliran Dobzinski

Eliran Dobzinski

Dan 3 Black Belt, Instructor at TKM Kiryat Hasharon

Training since 1991, Wingate Certified instructor since 2002. Previously served as a Krav Maga instructor for the Israeli Police Academy.Hold various Krav Maga seminars both for civilians and military/defense , in Israel and throughout the world.

Haim Nahum

Haim Nahum

Dan 4, Instructor at TKM Matan

Founder and head instructor at the TKM Matan school. Began training in Krav Maga under Eli Avikzar Z”L in 1990. Wingate certified Krav Maga instructor since 1997. Wingate certified martial arts trainer

Guy Sela

Guy Sela

Dan 3 Black Belt

Training since 1995. Certified Wingate instructor since 2004. Certified as an IDF Krav Maga Instructor. Part of the instructor team at the Even Yehuda and Kiryat Hasharon TKM branches.

Noa Lugassi

Noa Lugassi

Black Belt Dan 1

Training since 1995. Certified Wingate instructor since 2003. IDF certified Krav Maga and Combat Fitness instructor. Served in the IDF as Krav Maga instructor in a unit called “LOTER”, a unit put together to specifically fight terror.

TKM New York:

The activity in the Great Neck branch of TKM New York is divided by age groups and is appropriate for children aged five and older, through adulthood. In keeping with the goal of teaching self-defense skills while elevating the fitness level, the activities are tailored to each age group with appropriate discipline and instruction. At the facility, we strongly believe anyone can do it and we strongly urge everyone to do it, since physical fitness and knowing to defend oneself are invaluable. One sometimes overlooked added benefit for children and teenagers is the confidence boost often required to tackle difficult situations and, if confronted with growing epidemic of bullying, having the tools necessary to extinguish such behavior at the outset. For adults it is a great workout while acquiring very practical tools for unexpected situations which call for self-defense and violence suppression. For students of all ages, it is building comradery with other likeminded concerned members of the community. When people come to try out Krav Maga, what often times makes them stay is the people they train with, both at the student and instructor levels.

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